Friday, 23 September 2016

Masthead magazine ideas

I still haven't came up with a definite masthead, but I am going to include one which I may actually use. The word I might use is 'Haway', which is a slang word for 'come on' used in sunderland. I want to have a font which is a mix between a fancy classic look, but also a bold and modern design. This is because I am using two main inspirations, I have looked at magazines that are quite old-fashioned in style, and I have also looked at regional magazines that go for the bold, colorful style. These are all taken from and 1001 fonts. 


(Whitby brewers)

 (Lemon/Milk font)

(code font)

(poetsen one font)


(Abril fatface)

I am still unsure on what color my masthead will be, but I am leading towards either black or white, depending on my main image. I will test which color looks best when it comes to creating it. I feel like these colours will stand out because I am using quite a detailed main image for my front cover. These colours will make it bold and stand out, I want it to be the eye-catcher of the front cover. 

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